Saturday, November 24, 2007

Yay! leave approved. Hope to leave the country on the 12th of November. Don't quite know what I am going to do once I get there other than the shopping for the wedding but not too worried about that either considering there is never nothing to do there. A little concerned however about the total lack of planning in terms of daily stuff like the list i need to shop for, where should i go for those things, will i have time to myself to go explore the city and get lost and find my way again, how many clothes do i take, will a lot of my time go on religious stuff or visiting and worse yet; will i end up spending too much of time going there and then trying to figure out what to do...
I have asked my mom for a list of the things she wants me to get and as of now I am heavily dependent on my sis-in-law to be for guidance once I get there. I haven't even thought about where if I got the opportunity would i want to go and explore or see more off. Wonder if I'll have enough time to go to Bangalore or Surat... sigh.
i like lists and right now that's the one thing i don't have and am beginning to feel a little overwhelmed by all that is going to happen in the coming weeks; exams, Ella (no idea about this either), work and India. Also what are my Dad's and sister's plans in all of this especially are we all flying to mumbai together or should i just leave on the 12th and let them join me once my sis gets her visa sorted and my dad the cash.
Work is a big problem, I don't think Shehani will be able to take all the pressure. The way I see it i don't even have enough time to brief her thoroughly enough before I leave. Its worrying to say the least.
Exams - i have been so caught up in trying to get work sorted that I haven't even touched my books much less attempt past papers or anything. The analysis is still incomplete. Oh God panic state is approaching real fast and although i realise its not helping me in anyway to go there i am just walking in the dark. Worrying is what i do best it seems.


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