Saturday, November 24, 2007

Yay! leave approved. Hope to leave the country on the 12th of November. Don't quite know what I am going to do once I get there other than the shopping for the wedding but not too worried about that either considering there is never nothing to do there. A little concerned however about the total lack of planning in terms of daily stuff like the list i need to shop for, where should i go for those things, will i have time to myself to go explore the city and get lost and find my way again, how many clothes do i take, will a lot of my time go on religious stuff or visiting and worse yet; will i end up spending too much of time going there and then trying to figure out what to do...
I have asked my mom for a list of the things she wants me to get and as of now I am heavily dependent on my sis-in-law to be for guidance once I get there. I haven't even thought about where if I got the opportunity would i want to go and explore or see more off. Wonder if I'll have enough time to go to Bangalore or Surat... sigh.
i like lists and right now that's the one thing i don't have and am beginning to feel a little overwhelmed by all that is going to happen in the coming weeks; exams, Ella (no idea about this either), work and India. Also what are my Dad's and sister's plans in all of this especially are we all flying to mumbai together or should i just leave on the 12th and let them join me once my sis gets her visa sorted and my dad the cash.
Work is a big problem, I don't think Shehani will be able to take all the pressure. The way I see it i don't even have enough time to brief her thoroughly enough before I leave. Its worrying to say the least.
Exams - i have been so caught up in trying to get work sorted that I haven't even touched my books much less attempt past papers or anything. The analysis is still incomplete. Oh God panic state is approaching real fast and although i realise its not helping me in anyway to go there i am just walking in the dark. Worrying is what i do best it seems.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Work is getting to me, and I just wish I could dig myself out of this rut. It's been so long since anyone or anything has made me feel this hopeless. Something happened at work which has kinda made all that was going on seem much worse.
I found a CV that was the exact replica of mine, I mean I guess I ought to feel honoured that somebody had though my CV to be so great that they would want to have the same. But what's killing me is that it was done with out asking me and that the person who did it, has in the past couple of months put me through hell and whats worse was that I considered this person a friend. I cant grasp or rather accept that people would actually do something like that. That every word they say can be a lie and the smile they give all just a facade.
I feel betrayed and feel as though my privacy has been invaded. And right now and I dont even know what I ought to do about it. Worse was finding out that it was given to her by my oldest 'friend' in office who also happens to be the manager. ANd when I asked her about it she lied and made it out to be that I had been less than careful with my documents. Infact she stated that there can be nothing called 'personal' in your office computer. Everything there should and can be accessible to all.
I am just mad at all this so so mad. and it doesnt seem to get any better.
Now I have with me a very lucrative offer which I am to consider. But I know its not what I want. It'll never be that. And that is sad. Not being able to go after the job you want and know you'll be good at it.
Now about this studying business, God knows I suck at it. I know I cant even consider flunking. But I dont think I have it in to pass either.
Gosh this is sounding so bloody pathetic, me off. Let me get my head screwed on straight and then maybe i'll consider putting down something worthwhile.
sigh.... to all

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Missing my Yaar...

Hello you. I am in a state of missingness. Its awful. Its something that needs a good full doses of sweets to get over. Many Many many doses. sigh... he keeps going away like this and I keep feeling like this. Sometimes missingness mingled with anger other times its just an acute missingness. I appreciate the fact that I have someone I love enough to miss but what bugs me is that its constant. The missings.There is hardly any break between one trip and the other thus the missingness never leaves, it just subsides and now I have come to look at it like an evil monster. Cant even appreciate the time spent apart cos there is hardly anytime spent together.
Ah! me being selfish again. Need to get over this. Or atleast accustomed to it. This time round I haven't even bothered trying to fill up my days cos its not going to alter the missingness meter.
I even feel bad for putting up such fuss about missing him when he comes back and showers me gifts. Feel bad cos it occurs to me that he has been thinking of me too. But I still miss him the same the next time. What a vicious cycle it is. Blah!
For the record, Sweets ensured my 21st birthday to be the bestest one yet. He made it amazing and filled with little suprises. It was lovely. Especially the trip to Hikka. Which BTW I am missing too.
Right me off to do more missing.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I am annoyed. I know its ramazan, I need to go to mosq. But whats the point of going just to look after the kids and eat if I am not going to pray. Why should I rush my work for that? I am I being selfish? A weary sigh escapes everytime I think of Ramazan cos to me all it means is more fights than normal with my parents.
Dad just called and wanted to know what time i'll be getting home and coming to mosq, I said I dont know cos I havent completed my work as yet and then he goes on this big harang abt how i need to make time for prayers and work should be shoved aside and all that bullshit.
Yesterday I heard it from mom. and last night it was discussed and deciced that I will be getting my own set of keys so that they dont have to wait for me. Now back to square one. So tired of all this. Why is it that they cant just leave me be. aaaargh.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Feeling a bit down. Its my 21st birthday tomorrow and all I can think of all things i havent done that I should have done. Basically sifting through my albumn of regrets. Gosh I feel old. Am actually panicking a bit. Which ironically may seem childish.
Birthdays usually are the happiest times for me. Not this one though. Sweets trip, my exams, the drivig license I still dont have, my non-existent savings, the absolute lack of privacy, the absence of feeling independent eventhough I have been working for the past 5 years. All this is just building up one big damper for my most looked forward to birthday. :'(
Now the time for resolultions, promises I make to myself but they usually are lost without a second thought. The usual ones:
  1. keep the flutterbys alive
  2. Learn to say 'I love you' better
  3. Learn to drive
  4. Travel - anywhere, everywhere
  5. Save
  6. Look after my teeth
  7. Eat healthy
  8. Go swimming
  9. Exercise regularly - think about how you were when u were 17
  10. Read!!!
  11. Make time for prayers & family functions
  12. Dont use work as an excuse for anything
  13. Avoid white lies
  14. Spend more time at home - only 8 months left
  15. Complain less
  16. Invest in a camera - take pictures of everything
  17. learn to play the flute
  18. Have a party - always wanted one
  19. Do something outrageous
  20. Stop experimenting with my hair
  21. Dont be afraid to be a bitch

Thats it I think, no I am sure there's more but for now its enough. Gotta go.

p.s. Sweets - need your support with these :)

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I am ready to give an update to my list of 'To do' things for the year. Here goes:

  1. Driving license: well it was expensive so am going to see what I manage to learn from Sweets for the moment atleast
  2. Pay exam fees: done, now freakingout about the exams. Have to also pay class fees next week
  3. Start studying: v. slow progress :s
  4. Collect money: making a v. big effort. Hopefully it pays off (lol...)
  5. Go to the dentist: went and still two more appointments left. (again, bloody expensive!)
  6. Go shopping with mummy: didn't go and dont think I will. Spent too much shopping alone.
  7. Read a book (at least complete all the ones I have started) - not gotten much done. Excuse being I was trying to study!!!
  8. Get a haircut - ha! not this month. did cut my own fringe though ;p
  9. Go to Dilshey's and get the jeans I want - went but couldn't find them. Scrap this.
  10. Learn to cook - something! anything! - must spend more weekends at home - well have spent more time at home but still cant cook. Think its cos I really dont feel like I need to + I dont enjoy it even.
  11. Buy that diamond I want - collecting. If not that am going to spend the cash when I go to India!
  12. Go to the Beach - sniff sniff, did go, want to go again. I'll never be sated.
  13. Go to Hikka - Yay! me going next weekend! yabadabadooo!
  14. Apply for McEd - as soon as current batch complete

So there. Updated. Now me gotta rush off. Its the lunar eclipse today and mom wants me home. Sigh, talk to you later!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Today Sweets was annoyed about me not telling him things I do. Making him feel left out. I wanted to make him understand that it makes no sense to me to tell him about my plans when he isnt going to be around anyway. How do I explain to him that whether he wants to believe it or not I consider him to be a very important part of my Universe, basically there is only the two of us. And I am happy when I am with him, happier than I'll ever be alone or with my friends (who also happen to be his friends) because I enjoy his company over theirs.
It may have seemed a bit weird to you, i.e. having me talk to you everyday (considering I couldnt find time to meet with you) but truth is, when I feel Sweets getting distracted over work and travel plans and stuff - things that have nothing to do with me, I turn to blogging, (earlier it used to be scribbling furiously in my red book-with blogging atleast I can tell someone about stuff).
I realise I am worst than a kid when it comes to having attention (you are always telling me anyway) so its understandable that I spend my new found (uninvited) spare time catching up with things I had previously ignored. Things that arent up his alley. Earlier I used to try and get him to do these with me but he showed no interest, simply put, he would say something to the effect of, 'why dont i meet you after and you tell me how it was?'
Bottom line is he is never around for too long. And me doing other things when he isnt around is just my way of filling my time. I cant even remember what I used to do before I was with him. and I dont even mind it. Becuase I know he is having his time, creating his own bunch of memories and I am just a visitor who takes for a tour and having his experiences. So this is my way of doing the same and not being left out. Although more often than not I feel that i'll never come close to matching his experiences, its really not even about that. Atleast I have with me stuff to keep me occupied and call my own. Still be my own person even if by default I am doing it just cos he is not around. Hopefully in time I wouldn't feel as empty as I sometimes feel now. With exams looming ever so closer I know I'll have enough to occupy my thoughts but it'll never be enough as long as he isnt around. There is always an empty slot. Always extra time to think, to miss. I learnt that when I took on Pyramus and Thisby. Then I had had two plays plus a press con on my plate and it wasnt enough. The time he is around I give to him solely. I wouldnt want it any other way. and I dont see why I ought to get him upset about stuff he is going to miss out on when there is nothing he can do about it anyway. Besides which he has never shown any interest.
But its nice to know that he really wants to know whats happening with my life. This has got to be one of the most boyfriend like question he has ever asked. I am thrilled. selfish, greedy child that I am, I feel more loved now, lol...

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Feeling 'complete'

This morning, a friend of mine said to me,'Your greatest fear I guess would be loosing Matt ner?' and truth is I cant even imagine a second without him. I can get used to not having him around all the time - physically, but I cant imagine life without being loved by him.
I miss you men. Want to gush to you about how perfect things feel when I hold hands with him. He keeps saying stuff like, 'your world shouldn't revolve around me', 'You make you happy, I just share in the happiness' etc etc. It just goes over my head. See its like this, I love myself, which has enabled me to love him. And now knowing that he loves me only makes me love him more. Its addictive really, potent, this feeling of loving and being loved. I feel free. Amazing and free. And I have Sweets to thank. I promise you, I am never going to let myself take this gift for granted. Same goes to the keeping the flutterbys alive. take care! Let me know how things are with you...Blog for my sake!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Threading through murky waters

I have always thought that I can always see the bright side to life. That I am strong, really. That I have a good head on my shoulders.
But why then have I come to this now? Thinking about the things that I have done that I am not very proud of. In truth I am ashamed. If actions speak louder than words, what sort of a person am I really?
In the past years I have collected a closet full of skeletons. They are actions I don't want anyone to ever find out and I have nightmares about them ever being revealed. Although I know I'll never go back to all that, my actions still have a hold on me. They have made me more cautious, a little cynical and a lot more self conscious. My only saving grace would be to say, (the cliched) 'I didn't know know what had come over me, I was just messed up'. I feel as though my memories are eating my insides. I have images in my head of my Day of Judgement, when God will reveal all and all those around me will know what I have done and will look at me with disgust. I have always been a person who couldn't keep her mouth shut. Whose face could tell you whats on her mind before she had even opened her mouth. But this, this I have kept silence about. This I promise myself no one will ever know. Simply cos I am selfish. I am going to drop it at that.
My biggest, greatest fear is that someday, my Sweets will hear about them. I fear not because I don't think he'll try to understand but because I don't want to hurt him. Cos I cant ask forgiveness or understanding when I cant understand or forgive myself. I hope it'll be enough for God to know that I'll always, always be sorry and ashamed. Hope he understands.
I know I am sounding very dramatic and like I have made a mountain out of a mole hill. Wish that was the case. Reality is far bitter than imagination can ever make it look. The fact that I have written as much is a great feeling. Scary but still liberating. lessens the pressure a bit. But dsnt make me breathe any lighter. I don't want it to cos that would mean I am accepting my actions. Which is as unforgivable as what I have put myself through.
Suprise, suprise...once again I find myself thinking about the blog I posted on the whole 'virginity' thing. Thought I ought to put my thoughts into perspective. That is to say, I have never thought of virginity as a big thing, (so I really cant explain me blogging about it. Infact the last few days I have been tempted so many times to sign in and just delete the post) it was just that in all this time I have never once considered going any further with any of the men in my life. The only exception would be Bubbbs, but even then I couldnt make myself say yes. Not to say that I ddnt find them attractive or shared no chemistry (thats funny actually) but simply cos I never felt I wanted to badly enough...strange. Another thought comes to mind, i.e. I never thought I could make it last with any of them. A long relationship to me would mean something that goes beyond 5 months. 9 months is eternity. So there, I have my answer. However let me just add, that with Bubbs, I had never thought it would end. Guess you could say my heart hadnt thought so but my mind knew otherwise...
Now here am actually thinking about it...

Thursday, August 16, 2007

At office and I refuse to go home. Wont.
Its sad to note that of late the only book I have managed to read from cover to cover is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I love the series, was one of those eagerly waiting readers for this final book but its just that the book was such a let down. I couldnt read it again. A few excerpts may be but not the entire book. Thats sad cos I have read all the others atleast half a dozen times. Now to think about the mountain I have at home that I refuse to touch. From what I have been told, they are all good books there but for some reason I cant seem to finish them. I dont even want to. I would rather spend my time reading frivolous, silly books than enjoy a real peice of literature. Sometimes I dont understand me.
Sweets is going away...but mark my words i dont have and wont have a problem with it. We are good right now. Very good.
Oh and we are planning on another trip, trying not get myself too excited.. failing.. but trying anyway. Its 3 weeks away you see. Have enough time to get excited later.

more indulgence

saying whats on your mind, out loud is supposed to be good for you right? so why then do i not feel so good about it? Was thinking about how I felt the first time I told sweets I loved him. It wasnt pleasant. After saying it I cried. Then I thought about my last post and how silly and slutty I felt. About how guilty and awful I feel whenever I tell sweets that everything isnt right with us. Maybe there are somethings you should not say aloud, like the important things, things that bug you the most and those that you cant wait to talk about. It the latter that causes the trouble.
Another thought, is it possible that the first person to say the three magic words in a relationship always is more in love than the other? Bubbs used to think so. Even I did for sometime but now I think maybe not. Maybe its just that the other one was too chicken to say it before, maybe he just wants to be sure, but then again; maybe he is reconsidering and you are making a total idiot of yourself by professing your love. Maybe then telling him you love him isnt the best idea. I know sweets loves me and i dont think i really want to measure just how much simply cos i know i couldnt measure how much i loved him. Its infinite. Yes. but then why didnt he say it first? what took him so long? are the little annoying questions that have plagued me since. Think there should be a rule, to say that it should be the guy who says it first. Simply cos girls think too much about it otherwise. Having said that I think I have wasted enough space on this blog. Will dedicate it to more constructive musings..... eventually.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

me, indulging myself

For what it's worth:
I am ashamed that sometimes I can be made to feel ashamed. this is how I feel when I think of my period, sex and asking for what i want. Fuck it! I tell myself sometimes but I still feel that way after. I figure this stems from feeling so insecure about things like knowing I dont have asexual power / prowess, feeling attractive and it effects my reaction in a so many ways, even things as simple as being comforatble with beingme and my thoughts. Answering what I think is the right answer, voicing my opinion or joining a discussion. I realise it makes me not only hold back but sometimes even lie rather than say the whats on my mind.
It was only recently that I learned that its ok to have sex when, 'its your time of the month'. All these years I have been told how unclean a woman is when she is having a period. At home we dont even share towels with each other if the other or I is having her period. I admit that I too consider myself 'unclean' and 'unreceptive' when its my turn. How to think otherwise? I dont even let myself get too intimate not only cos I dont think its 'right' (since I have been told its not right and I have questioned otherwise) but also cos I feel maybe my partner wont like to be intimate with me when its all so unpleasant down there. How can I expect someone to be comfortable with my 'unpleasant' condition when I cant be comfrotable with it myself?
For a long while now I have considered losing my virginity. Although at first I was determined to have it intact (eyes rolling) till my wedding. I am now forcing myself to reconsider. Simpy cos I dont see the point of waiting anymore. I have the man I want to spend the rest of my life with (and my bed) so why wait? Although I must confess that I am convinced its not going to be pleasant. How many first time stories have you heard of that describe it as anything other than an ordeal and an experience to be soon forgotten? But then comes the ugly thought about appearing wanton. Eventhough I want to, I dont want him to think I am too eager. Cos I dont want to feel like I am too easily won. And no I really dont want to wait anymore either. So now where does that leave me? Thus far since our last trip where I had really insisted I have not mentioned it again. Sometimes I feel like I want to take back these thoughts and not let myself be bothered by it at all but since the subject has been broached I cant let go anymore. Wish I ddnt make this such a big deal. Ramblings!!!
Just realised that this has turned into one very pathetic entry. But then again if I cant be pathetic here then where? I am not apologising, just regretting (in a big way!)

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Right so now I became bold and gave sweets this address when he asked for it. And although I am not too bothered by the fact that he did read, there is a part of me thinking if I'll now be more guarded with my writing & revealing.
Another hopelessly meaningless day at office and now am thinking of leaving for rehearsals. Called Dinesh & asked him to pick me up. I am feeling good about myself, its to do with the fact that I know I know. Makes any sense? probably not. What I meant to say was that I know stuff, that I didn't know I knew and now that I know I know or can manage it makes me feel good. Like I can know more and I wont really forget, just push it to the back of my mind. hehe... Its raining and I wish I could go jump out into a puddle and just get wet. Best place to be would be the beach right now. WOW :)
Another I ought to add to my list is learning to make more than a sound on the flute. Cos I think I have a talent for it ;p it took me a week to make my first noise k and that's pretty good i would say. Don't you think? I want the Harry Potter Book. Cant wait for it. want want want. might just be dumb enough to go buy it. Hope I can control these highly irrational urges. But I want.
I get this really bad feeling that tomorrow going to be a mess of a day. Cos there is this brief we got today but I haven't put anything down on paper cos the client serving woman had to get back to me with the launch plans. Now tomorrow there is a meeting on it as well as I don't know what else. My client been awfully silent for so long now that I am certain they'll come any day and say they want this, this, this done and now. Its frustrating feeling to feel like I am not doing anything even though I am doing all I can do right now.
Its Thursday and today is the deadline for my SMD chapter. Must complete it, even if it means staying up late. me going, Iro is calling, there are biscuits and Milo. God what an absolute waste of a day. Oh BTW, today is my 8th month anniversary with sweets, may not seem like long to many but to me its a milestone. bye.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Tadaaa....I have completed one item from my list and half done another. Paid exams fees, thanks to sweets. I also called Daya up to ask about the lesson fees and all. Boody hell they are expensive! shockingly so. I think it would be better if I were to learn the basics with sweets and then just apply for the exams. Must call them back and ask how much it would be then - hopefully cheaper!
Sweets is planning on visiting his ex-girlfriend on Saturday. Hmmmmn...Wedding jitters are setting in, only 10 months. Feeling anxious and indifferent all at the same time. I just want to get married and have the deed done. Nobody is making a decision or finalising anything. Its so frustrating. The only thing I know I have to do is save. Dont have a clue is to how much is needed even. My inlaws want so many functions, my parents want this many. DECIDE FOR CRIKES SAKE! Still waiting for my engagement ring and for my parents to invite my in laws for dinner. sigh...
Was told today that there is a slight, minuet, miniscule, tiny possibility of going to India in October from office. (Please Please God if you can see me type this, make this is a sure thing.)
For now though going to buy my jeans, go to the dentist, read my books and study. well actually study ought to come first there. Oh and enroll for lectures! The prospect of going back to class even for 3 months is exciting. I love the subjects and really enjoy the lectures but need to try and focus more.
I will not let myself think of the wedding. As long as it happens in the near future I am fine with it. Exams is my baby, totally.
Trip to India is left to God. Just found out that Sweets is going to India the day after my birthday. I must say I am a little upset about it cos I know he wont be around for atleast a month cos he loves India as much as I do and maybe more. He wont be there for Ramazan. Going to miss him I know. Will come to that also later. Stick to now, for now.
Going home, a totally unproductive day at work comes to an end - although it never began. Ta.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I have decided that its time for me to take control of a few things and so I am going to make a concentrated effort to jot down my little goals for this year. Starting with getting a driving license, to going abroad.
  • Driving license: must apply to a driving class - Daya most probably
  • Pay exam fees: getting it done tomorrow
  • Start studying: will read at least a chapter from SMD before Thursday
  • Collect money: a. Wedding b. trip abroad c. cos I have to - proposed sum: 3/4 of current salary (cross fingers and pray)
  • Go to the dentist: make an appointment for August 4
  • Go shopping with mummy: July 28
  • Read a book (at least complete all the ones I have started) a. Hitchhikers Guide b. Unleashing Power of PR c. Kiran Desai d. Nury Vittachi e. Anita Desai f. whatever else is in the cupboard
  • Get a haircut - August 2nd - 3rd week - call Lucky or Kevin
  • Go to Dilshey's and get the jeans I want - soon
  • Learn to cook - something! anything! - must spend more weekends at home
  • Buy that diamond I want - collect till December for it
  • Go to the Beach :( miss it, miss it, will clear my mind
  • Go to Hikka - miss the rotties & the ride
  • Apply for McEd - as soon as current batch completes

Right, so far this is as much as I can remember. Will update when I have more time. Bye Friend :)

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Its been forever since I have put down a few words. But everytime I start jotting down my thoughts on this I face a blank wall in my head. I have been reading through lots of blogs and I kept thinking, wow! how is it that they can just reveal all? even if they do give out their addresses to a select few of their friends. How can they reveal whats on their minds and feel free? its unthinkable to me. This blog represents to me a chance to practice my writing and thats all. I cant imagine it to be my journal no matter how much I may wish it to be. I envy these blogger people and their courage. But it occurs to me that it might not really be courage that helps them bare it all but the simple need to express their opinion, voice their thoughts and just be heard... to know that someone, somewhere in this world thinks the same. Thats gotto to be reassuring. I envy them still.
I make sure I work myself to the bone, and load my plate with everything imaginable so as to make to sure I am left with no time to think, to ponder, to reflect. Cause if I were to give myself the chance I wouldnt be able to handle it. Right now I feel like I am an emotional bubble of twisted nerves ready to burst. On a humorous note; like a giant, smelly fart that ready to go 'POP!' I am glad my little blog thing is still my secret. Glad that even the love of my life cannot see the little I reveal of my tumulous thoughts.
I want eveyrthing to be a secret, its been like this forever. Everytime I get a card or a present, I try to hide it. Everytime, I have something thats totally mine and none of my 4 siblings can make any claim to it I hide it. I go as far as to lock everything in my cupboard andthen hide the cupboard keys. I hide my feelings if I am hurt but I hide my happiness more so that no one jinx it. Weird.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007


Finally, finally I have work. I feel like I have purpose. Like people need me and I have things to do and people to meet and my evenings are actually busy and I am learning new things everyday. Bliss! fun and exciting. Blissful :)

Hmmn a download on work: there isnt really much to it as long as you keep things moving i.e. follow up on your proposals, keep in touch with your clients and just you know be on top of things which is just enough work to make sure you

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Long weekend ahead, 5 days! and nothing to do. Nothing at all. This is pathetic. Need to make plans but cant think of anything at all. Could catch up movies and books. Could also make a concious effort to learn to cook something. But nothing seems inviting right now. Could also go away but thats what we've planned for next week. Hmmmn awful dilemma.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Relationships — of all kinds — are like sand held in your hand. Held loosely, with an open hand the sand remains where it is. The minute you close your hand and squeeze tightly to hold on, the sand trickles through your fingers. You may hold onto some of it, but mostly it will be spilled. A relationships is like that. Held loosely, with respect and freedom for the other person, it is likely to remain intact. But hold too tightly, too possessively, and the relationship slips away and is lost.
- Kahlil Jamison

I dont agree with it this entirely but I put it up cos I know somebody who follows it like a religion.

Friday, March 30, 2007

I gave in my resignation, got a job that was paying well and all but the thing thats bothering me is that the only reason i took it was cos of the cash and not cos I got excited at the prospect of PR. In all honesty I dont think I like PR (silly ner that, when PR is all about projecting a good image)

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I am dreadfully tired of work. Have stopped looking forward to waking up every morning and getting ready to go to work. Worst is I cant figure what I want to do with myself. Am not short of advise there but none of it sounds right.
I dont like this person I am becoming. Obsessed about the most horrible things and worrying and worrying and over thinking all the time. Its messing things up in everyway imaginable but I cant stop myself from doing it. Besides which I am really really bored, restless. You know how when you are in school you are told that the "an empty mind is the devil's workshop"? well seems to be happening ner if this irrational paranoi about everything is anything to go by.
Wanna pull myself out of this, must work on a plan...hmmmnn

Thursday, February 15, 2007


You know a lot of people always claim that they would never compare their present relationships to any of their old. But it happens. It is bound to happen ner, especially when you enter into a new realtionship with the hopes of something better than the "before one" even if the earlier one was great and all that but for some weird incomprehensible reason you guys broke up and now you are with a new person, a new realtionship you've got to work on, a new love and friendship to cherish, celebrate and nuture and a whole bag full of new memories to collect. And then things arent better exactly cos they arent the same, (obviously cos there is a totally different person involved) but still you know. So now what? how to get over this comparing phase? How not to compare? You could try and treat them as they are supposed to be treated. i.e. two entirely different situations, realtionships, people. etc. but then thats easier said than done.
But it seems to me that its about respecting the person you are going out with and understanding their individuality rather than figuring out whats different in this puzzle from the old one, whats missing? whats better?

Sunday, February 11, 2007

The entire sum of existence is the magic of being needed by just one person....

Friday, February 9, 2007

Well Ashara is over and me back at work. Its been such an amazing experience and so much happened. So much to tell, so much to remeber and i have learnt so much. We had these sessions called, "Waaz Talaqqi" where Bhai Sahebs came and discussed what Moula's bayaan was all about. and we get to put forth whatever questions we have about the waaz an dbest part is they are answered! it was amazing. My entire Ashara experience has been amazing. And better yet is that it still aint over :) Cos Moula is still in Colombo and infact tomorrow for like the first time ever Moula is holding a Sabak. and then there is going to be Misaaq.
Did I mention this, Dad came. Just about 2 weeks ago. I got to do Qadambosi and believe it or not my sis did Qadambosi thrice! How anyone can be so lucky is beyond me.
I am feeling really restless right now... am bursting with stories but have to get back to work or i'll be here till tomorrow morning. I'll be back though :D

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

people & chaos

Mumineen are coming in droves and its amazing how things are being organized. I am helping out in Mawaid and my job is to serve people food as they come. I start my shift at 7.30 ish and go on till about eleven. Wish I could contribute more in some way. Feel absolutely useless. My sis and them are really in the midst of it all and I envy them & there time.
I realise that its not right of me to not want my dad to come, cos its sad that he cannot do Moula's Deedaar and I miss him right now and there is no one I can think of who does khidmat as selflessly as my dad. I keep thinking of the earlier times when Daddy used to go wherever Ashara was announced and now I think how bad he must be feeling that for the past couple of years he hasnt been able cos of the state of things.
I am determined to do as much as possible in the days I get leave.
Bambalapitiya is bustlin. Everywhere you turn you bump into Bohras. Just imagine this is just the beginning. By mid Moharram the crowd would have doubled.
My aunts came i.e. dad's sisters and they are on my case to get married, each hasfound what they term, "the perfect guy" for me and they are determined to see me engaged before they leave. Admittedly there may never be another chance like this to be nikkahed from Aqa Moula but I refuse to be blindly dragged into doing anything of this magnitude to someone I've just met.
Did I mention this? I am happy. A little insecure but happy. Life is good right now and I dont want to shake my boat just yet. Just want to experience this. A big reason for my happiness is my "Kolla". Its nice having him. Its cos of him that I have started writing again and it feels good. Now I am writingall the time. Even started on a proper journal besides this blog. Sometimes feel that a blog is a bit impersonal even if its your thoughts that are on it. Enjoy writing on paper with a comfortable pen. Got this gorgeous red notebook to inspire me.
Me rushing off to mosque now.

Thursday, January 11, 2007


Hey, am just bumming at office. There is an event to organize in Kalutara that is supposed to happen on the 27th but i am just bumming, cos nothing is being finalised & nobody is willing to get off there asses & do anything, Fast!
Wish I had brought my book to office. Am reading "Red Dragon" and Douglas Adams. And no, I dont get confused with the stories.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

My new favorite word: Serendipity

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

:) Suprises

Sick, its official. But its raining & I love the rain. I am missing Babbs right now. Wouldnt mind snuggling with him. :p
I finished writing the script for Sustainability rewarding thingi. Wrote on Employee Satisfaction. Pretty proud of it.
Just found out that Aqa Moula is coming to Colombo for Ashara. He is coming after 8 years. Its awesome. But am dreading it for two reasons.
One, my parents are already talking about getting me married. & two, my dad will come. I had planned to go where ever Ashara was announced this year but then had to forget about it cos I didnt have the dough. Now I Ashara is coming to me!
8 years ago, 15,000 bohras followed Aqa Moula to Sri Lanka and it was unimaginable, exhilerating, fun, incredible and tiring. This time round I predict it to be all of the above but also, stressfull and draining. Simply cos this time round I need to think about getting leave & balancing work with mosque and avoid getting married amongst other things.
Ashara is organised chaos. Its on as grand a scale as the Olympics. Atleast thats how I see it being for Bohras. You meet family you never knew you had, you meet hundreds of people and its just so great being so close to the one person you have grown up loving and following. The one person you'll give up everything for. Thinking about the Ashara is bringing back so many memories. Its incredible the excitement, the electricity that's charging through everybody. Ashara 2007 is now the most hottest topic. The only thing on everyone's mind. Its super!

Monday, January 8, 2007

Today is just amazing. In a bad way. Have two proposals to draw up, write a two scripts, a brief and copy for an invitation! And to top it all off I have an annoying cold, a scratchy throat & feeling feverish. Oh and my eyes are tearing:( I just want to sleep men. Better yet I want a hug. A big bear hug. And a blanket and something hot to sip. hmmmm... I want my bubbs.

I am working on this script for Human Rights. Actually its sustainability reporting practiced by companies and the role of Human Rights. I have 16 topics to pick from and I chose Human Rights, but now I am stuck.


I am getting lazy again. I have so much to let off my chest but I am lazy to type. Lazy, lazy, lazy. Did I mention this? I am going to Galle over the weekend for the Literary Festival. Can't wait. Whenever I get excited about anything, I start making lists and plans. Weird habit I have but it settles my mind. I love travelling. Love getting out of the house. My mom refers to me as a "Border", says I come home just to sleep & put on clean clothes. In a way thats true. I hate sitting at home. Not exactly a family person. Hate all sorts of family gatherings, especially weddings. Being a bohra & part of such an enormous family there are many, many family functions. I mainly dislike them so much cos we arent allowed to just relax. I am one of the older ones in our bunch of cousins so its my duty to look after the 20 odd little ones. And cos I am older the them, I have to set an example. Even what I wear is noted & commented upon. I love them every one of my seven aunts and 21 cousins, they are amazing fun. Its just that I cant understand why they need to talk about you all the time.

Monday Morning

Every Monday morning I sit for a sales training session. It begins at 8.45 and goes on till just past ten. You have to be early cos otherwise you wont get a seat. Besides which a lot of people need to shuffle around to make room for your chair. Coming late is a black spot on you. They are interesting but I still dread it. Maybe its cos instead of it being a leraning & interactive experioence people are so stiff & quiet and uncomfortable. They are like vultures waiting for you to fall.
This morning, I was right on time, while waiting for it to begin, i was told that there wont be a training session today so I could leave. Yipee! but then LB said that he's got something that might interest us and so to be seated. So we sat.
The lesson was about discipline.
These were the key points:
  • To be perfect, you need to be steady, to reach your goal - Dont think of a wall as a wall but look at it as a collection of bricks. By concentrating on setting a perfect brick at a time, you can get that perfect wall.
  • Fighting competition - not everyone's going to put in their 100% all the time, by giving 100% and delivering 5 when the target was 3, you'll find it hard to lose.
  • Fightin the devil within - ignore the voice inside you that says, "why try so hard when you can do an ok job for half the effort?"
  • Determination & self belief - you can.
  • Living with the pain of not achieving what you deserve - cos of sheer laziness